Living & Working in Australia – A Visa Guide for Mom

Australia visa application

If you are a skilled worker and you are unhappy working in your home country and you would like to relocate to sunny Australia, you have come to the right place, as we offer useful information on how to obtain a working visa for Australia.

Skilled Migrant Visa

There are 3 main types of skilled migrant visa, which are as follows:

  • Skilled Independent Migrant Visa (subclass 189) – A points tested stream – This visa allows skilled workers who are not sponsored to migrate to Australia and they can include family members in their visa application. Obtaining a skilled migrant visa for Australia can be the first step towards Australian citizenship; to start, you need to submit an EOI (Expression Of Interest) form to the Department of Home Affairs, then wait to see if you are invited to apply for a Skilled Migrant Visa. The experienced visa agent can assist you with filling in the EOI form and hopefully, you will receive a visa invite. You must be under the age of 45 when making the visa application.
  • Skilled Nominated Visa (subclass 190) State or Territory nomination – This visa is basically for skilled migrants who submit an EOI to a state/territory; if you are eligible, this visa can be the first step to staying permanently and becoming an Australian citizen. Once you have submitted the EOI, you must wait for the state/territory to invite you to apply for the visa. You must be under the age of 45 when making the visa application. How old should kids be for travelling? Click here to find out.
  • Temporary Graduate Visa (subclass 485) – If a foreign student finishes their graduate program and they wish to stay on in Australia temporarily and gain some work experience, this is the type of visa to apply for. You can only use this visa once and you can include your family in the application.

Sourcing an established visa agency

As you would expect, the visa application process is rather complex, which is why we recommend using an established visa agency with offices in Sydney and Melbourne. The experts can ensure that your application is not lacking in anything essential and by using an agency, you are maximising your chances of a successful outcome.

Enjoy a free visa eligibility assessment

When you make contact with an established Australian visa agency, they are happy to carry out a free assessment to determine whether or not you qualify, plus they can offer great advice about which visa to apply for. If they give you the green light, you can rest assured that a favoured outcome will result from the visa application. Such an agent would have a fantastic success rate, so you are in very good hands when you enlist the help of a top-rated Australian visa agent, a company with extensive hands-on experience in helping foreigners obtain a visa to live and work in Australia.


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