8 Easy Dinner Ideas for Busy Moms

8 Easy Dinner Ideas for Busy Moms

Moms are busy people. Some might even argue moms are the busiest people out there. Between shuttling kids to and from school, friends’ houses, sports, music lessons, moms do a lot of driving. On top of that, they keep the house clean, do the dishes, do the laundry, and make dinner. No wonder moms are exhausted all the time! Here are eight easy dinner ideas to help all you busy moms.

1. Instant Pot Orange Chicken

If you have an instant pot and a craving for Chinese food, this is your recipe. When I first tried this recipe I doubted it would taste that great because there are few ingredients and the recipe is pretty easy. It turned out delicious! To make this meal even better, pair it with Instant Pot Fried Rice. The fried rice is more labor-intensive, but still doable, plus both meals only require cooking in the instant pot which means fewer dishes to wash—a serious bonus.

2. Chicken and Pasta

Chicken and Pasta

I’m not linking a recipe here because you can really make any chicken and pasta of your choice and have a yummy dinner meal. I’m not much of a chef so I typically make angel hair pasta with herbs Pasta-Roni and fry up some chicken on the stove. It’s a fast, easy, cheap meal that will do in a pinch.

3. Scrambled Eggs and Toast

Scrambled Eggs and Toast

This is a breakfast for dinner meal that is ridiculously easy. Scramble some eggs, add some milk and cheese for extra creamy and tasty eggs, pop a few pieces of bread in the toaster and you’re good to go. This is also a great meal that your kids can help make. Scrambling eggs is simple, fast, and hard to mess up.


4. Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup

Grilled cheese and tomato soup is comfort food to me. It’s easy, cheap, and yummy. You can even vary this one up a bit by using different cheeses or adding some meat. Personally, I love a good ham and swiss on rye sandwich.

5. Stir-fry


There are only a few ingredients needed for stir-fry: noodles, meat, vegetables, soy sauce. My go-to stir-fry combo is Ramen noodles, chicken, and a bag of stir-fry mix frozen vegetables. You can also substitute the pasta out for rice and make yourself a tasty rice-bowl.

6. Italian Subs

Italian Subs - Easy Dinner Ideas

To make Italian subs you need bolillo rolls, Italian seasoning packets, butter, ham, and provolone or swiss cheese. Mix the butter and Italian seasoning and spread it on the inside of the rolls. Broil them in the oven for a minute then put ham and cheese on the rolls. Let the cheese get bubbly, close the sandwich and butter the top. Broil again until the butter gets bubbly. This is a fast 5-minute meal that even picky eaters will enjoy.

7. Chicken Chimichangas

Chicken Chimichangas

This chimichanga recipe has minimal ingredients and minimal work involved. Plus it tastes delicious. The hardest part of this recipe was trying to fold the tortillas into the right shape, but after I gave up and just rolled my “chimichangas” like burritos, this recipe was super fast to make. This recipe does require you to make a Mexican White Sauce, but that only takes 15 minutes and adds a delicious flavor that’s worth the extra effort.

8. Spinach Chicken Casserole

I’ll admit that moms with picky eaters might not want to pick this meal. But if you have kids who will eat some spinach and cream cheese, this meal is delicious and fast. Spread some cream cheese, spinach, and mozzarella cheese over a few chicken breasts and have a creamy cheesy meal that will leave you wanting more.

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.


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