Coping with a Family Move Abroad

Family Move Abroad

When it comes to organizing a Family Move Abroad, preparation is the key to minimizing stress and pressure. Making a checklist of everything that needs to be arranged can give you some much-needed perspective. There’s nothing more satisfying than when you can start ticking things off.

Before Moving

Be sure to give plenty of time to planning, especially for important or essential tasks such as applying for visas, which can take several months to obtain. Always check passports before booking travel to see if they are still current, as new passports also take several weeks to come through. Depending on where you are going, you should also check with your doctor to find out if any vaccinations are needed or recommended.

An international move can be complicated when it comes to transporting your belongings. However, hiring an international moving agency can take the pressure off and allow you to focus on other details. Be sure to get several quotes and make your arrangements at least a month in advance, as that will give you time to devise a new plan in case of an emergency.

It might also be a fun idea to explore the area around your new home online. Some real estate companies might offer a virtual tour of the house online, in which case children can even choose their new bedroom before the move.

Settling into a new Country

The more familiar your family becomes with the new house, school and area, the less daunting it will seem when you eventually move. Is it near a park or a swimming pool?  Are there interesting shops nearby, museums and restaurants to explore?  It could well be that your children may be anxious about the changes ahead; keep an eye on their mood and reassure them that they can stay in touch with friends and family back home.

No doubt schooling for your children will be one of your main concerns. Focus on all the advantages to be gained from sending them to an International School. It is likely to offer better sports facilities, the study of the performing arts, and the chance to learn about the culture of the many different nationalities of children who attend. Study various schools’ websites with your children, as different schools will have varying requirements for you and your children. For example, if moving to the Asia region, International Schools in Hong Kong offer a curriculum that is particularly suitable for an expat child. Such schools have extensive experience in nurturing students from a huge variety of backgrounds and cultures.

By creating time with your children to explain some of the lifestyle changes ahead, they can build their confidence knowing that you will adapt to change together as a family. Help them to focus on new life experiences they will get from living in a different climate, the chance to make new friends and getting involved with an expat community of children that have been through the same move as they have.

When the day of the actual move comes, keep yourself calm, reassure yourself that all is taken care of by double-checking your list. You may be leaving your hometown but you and your family are heading off to experience something completely new that will enhance your lives.

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.



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