Thanksgiving Traditions


Thanksgiving is almost here. I can’t wait for turkey, stuffing, and more pie than I can eat. I think Thanksgiving gets overlooked a lot of the time. People get so hyped for Halloween and Christmas they tend to look right over Thanksgiving. Make sure you give this Thanksgiving the attention it deserves by establishing some fun Thanksgiving traditions.

Family Traditions

Family traditions are time-honored traditions I love to celebrate every year. My family always celebrates Thanksgiving with our extended family – which is huge. We always have to celebrate Thanksgiving dinner in a church gym. It’s the only place that will fit all of us. It’s something I’ve come to expect every Thanksgiving. Where does your family always celebrate?

New Traditions

Family traditions can be very fun, but trying new traditions can be fun too. Think about what your favorite parts of Thanksgiving are and try to spice things up. I think everyone’s favorite thing about Thanksgiving is how much delicious food you get to eat. Try to make a new side or dessert for the table this Thanksgiving, it might become a new favorite tradition.


My grandma always helped all of us little cousins make a fun Thanksgiving craft every year. We would make oreo turkeys, hand turkeys, or even wooden letter crafts for Thanksgiving. Spending some of Thanksgiving making crafts can turn into a fun new tradition that gives you extra decorations for next year.


Football and Thanksgiving go hand-in-hand. Lots of families celebrate this holiday by having a Turkey Bowl. Grab a football, pick teams, and have a fun round of touch football. Maybe just avoid full-on tackle football so you don’t end up eating Thanksgiving dinner in the hospital.

Black Friday

Have you ever tried Black Friday shopping? It’s madness. But it’s also so much fun, and you can score some killer deals. After you’ve eaten more food than your stomach can handle, sit down, relax, and flip through the Black Friday newspapers. Spot what deals you have to take advantage of and maybe even camp out a little to be one of the first people in the stores. This is a fun Thanksgiving tradition that can help you get a little Christmas shopping done.


My all-time favorite part of Thanksgiving is definitely the food. What does your family always eat? My family has pretty classic Thanksgiving staples. We eat turkey, cranberry dip, mashed potatoes, homemade rolls, stuffing, green beans, raspberry jello, pecan pie, chocolate pie, and drink lots of soda. We normally have leftover turkey, because you should always over plan for Thanksgiving; running out of turkey would be a sin. The day after Thanksgiving, we eat turkey buns. We make open-faced sandwiches using leftover turkey and stuffing. It’s delicious. Good food and good company always make Thanksgiving a happy and enjoyable time.

Loved Ones

Holidays are always better when they are spent with loved ones. I like to be with my family, and sometimes we invite friends to join us. No matter where you are, reach out to family or friends and celebrate the holiday together. Thanksgiving reminds us we have a lot to be grateful for, and amazing friends and family are definitely something worth celebrating.

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.


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