Let’s Celebrate Your Boss’ Day with Affordable Gift Ideas

Gift Ideas

Employers or bosses are the persons who grant us with huge opportunities to make progress in our lives. With the idea that we should also appreciate their efforts and help employees recognize a boss’s role, Patricia Bays Haroski registered National Boss’ Day in 1958. Since then, it is being celebrated annually on the 16th October or the nearest working day in the United States. Having secured an increasing popularity, it has now expanded to Canada, Australia, South Africa, Romania, and India as well.

This auspicious day has played a vital role in strengthening the bond between the employer and the employees. It blesses employees with a chance to pay their homage and gratitude to their respective bosses for being kind and fair towards their whole staff throughout the year. The bosses, in return, become more gracious and start endowing their employees with more comforts whatsoever.

Here, we have gathered a few very affordable gift ideas that will help you celebrate your boss’ day the way it may become memorable for both you and your boss.

1. Personalized desk items

There are bosses who prefer to spend more and more time working in their offices which have become their second homes over time. If this is the case with yours as well, you may stuff his working table with something that adds to personalized desk decoration and always proves to be good memorabilia. This will help him feel the over-work a light activity being undertaken in the extra time he opts to spend in his office.

2. Some birthday gifts if it falls round about the boss’ day

The birthday of a person is always a special day for him no matter what culture he belongs to. Anything presented to your boss from your side regarding his birthday will boost his ties with you. The birthday gifts will also serve as the boss’ day gifts. These gifts may include anything related to the items of daily usage like a wrist watch, a pair of socks, a shaving box, etc. bought from Manly Man Co. or any other source.

3. Comfortable slippers

Comfortable slippers

Most of the bosses or supervisors have to remain formally dressed-up for long hours, causing extreme discomfort to their feet. They obviously need relaxation that they can enjoy only if they land in a comfortable pair of slippers. Such a lovely pair of slippers presented from your side will surely ameliorate your regard in the eyes of your boss and, hence, the mutual bond will get even stronger.

4. Travel mug for tea

Travel mug for tea

Most of the bosses have to be on-the-go quite often to meet their far-flung responsibilities. If the same goes true with yours as well, a travel tea-mug will, therefore, be a nice gift to facilitate him. It will prove much more convenient for him to carry along a smart reusable thermos with him instead of waiting for the single-use cups from the coffee-shop.

5. Home-made cookies

Home-made cookies

There is always no match for the homemade goodies to win the heart of someone you want to admire. During the daily grind for hours, your boss is often pouring over the various issues that tend to snatch even his normal lunch or dinner times. He has to rely on the food items more often than normal at very awkward hours. All this is sure to deteriorate his health. Here, a plate of the home-made cookies presented by you on the boss’ day will delight him from the cores of his heart. He will take this gesture of yours as a token of affection on your part.

6. An eye mask

Consistent work without sufficient and sound sleep tells upon the physical and mental health of a busy boss like yours. It will ensure him a peaceful and sweet sleep if he starts using the eye mask that you have gifted him. This mask will also discourage him regarding the checking of his mail box at or around his bed time. The plenty of darkness the eye mask provides brings him a profound sleep after the whole day’s exertion.

7. Travel cord organizer

It is quite possible that your boss may have to travel long distances for the sake of his business. He needs to take along a laptop, tablet, and mobile phone together with their chargers. It will get quite easy for him to handle all these cords with utmost care and safety if they are wrangled into nicely organized bundles. A travel cord organizer gifted by you can serve the purpose efficiently.

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