How to Remove Pet Stains from the Carpets

dirty carpet

Carpet is a crucial part of our house and occupies the majority of our floor. Thus, these carpets get dirty and develop several stains over time. Carpet can get Remove Pet Stains from wine, ink spots, etc. If you have furry animals then the chances of these stains are more. These animals can vomit or urinate on the carpeting.

These incidents leave spots on the carpeting and even produce odor. Timely steps should be taken to reduce the damage caused by them.

Read this amazing blog to understand the step-by-step methodology to remove the carpet pet stain removal.

1) Do not Rub Rather Blot the Stain

The initial step of tackling the stain is by blotting the stain out. The first instinct we produce whenever we get a stain is that we try to rub it. Rubbing is the most inappropriate move. Rubbing the stain with the help of a towel will spread the stain and you may have to change the position of the carpet to hide the stain.

You can rather spread the towel on the stain and stand on it so that with pressure extra urine can be absorbed easily. You should replace the towel as soon as it becomes completely wet and stops soaking the urine.

Keep on replacing until the spot is dry.

2) Apply Vinegar on the Stain

Take a spray bottle or water bottle and mix 50% of water with 50% of white vinegar. Spray the solution on the carpet pet stain. Apply the solution to the affected area so that the solution soaks down from the carpet and the pad. If the carpet in contact with the wooden flooring, then you should lift the carpet as the urine may spoil the floor after coming in contact with the flooring.

After some time, use a soft brush to remove the stain and its smell. After brushing the area, blot the area with the help of a towel or paper towel. After blotting all the liquid out, let the carpet dry. It is important that you dry the carpet completely in case of wooden flooring so that it does not spoil the wooden flooring.

3) Afterwards Apply Baking Soda

The carpet pet stain may produce an odor and may create an unpleasant environment. Removing this smell is much easier than you think. You should apply baking soda on the spot when the spot is wet. You will hear a cracking and fizzing sound when the baking soda reacts with the stains.

This sound shows that the stain has started to come out. You should also rub or brush the baking soda and let it dry for at least a day or two so that it enters deep into the fiber. Afterward, you should vacuum out the baking soda and your carpet is ready to use again.

4) Apply a solution of Hydrogen Peroxide and Dish Detergent

Hydrogen peroxide is crucial in eliminating the smell. In order to prepare this solution, mix ½ cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle. Afterward, add a teaspoon of dishwashing detergent so that the solution work more strongly.

Sprinkle the solution on the baking soda and let it dry over it for a similar duration as baking soda. Once Hydrogen Peroxide and baking soda are dry wait for 24- 48 hours to remove them. With the help of a brush, remove the solutions and you will see that the stain will fade away.

5) Vacuum the Carpet

After washing out the stain, the next and final step of carpet pet stain removal is vacuuming the carpet and drying the carpet out. You should use a wet vac machine for this purpose as it splashes fresh water on the carpet and removes the dirty water from the carpet.

Applying wet vac is the best way to remove the stains as it can deep clean the fibers and removes every inch of dirt particles.

Last Few Words

Removal of stains is important. Stains should be removed immediately otherwise it will be difficult to remove them. You need to act fast otherwise the flooring may also get spoilt. If you are not able to remove the stains or the stains still pertain then you should hire a professional carpet cleaning service for this purpose.

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.


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