Why Breastfeeding Is Good For Your Baby

Why Breastfeeding Is Good For Your Baby - benefits of breastfeeding for mom and baby

Breastfeeding is a bridge between two people, autonomous, yet dependent on each other in a unique way. Mom gives her baby what she has most precious for it: natural food, attention, body heat, and safety. For a newborn who finds itself in a strange, unknown world after birth, the mother — her scent and milk — constitute a refuge to which it clings and which it understands naturally.

Breastfed babies develop better both physically and mentally. Scientific research proves that breastfeeding contributes to better intelligence of a child, thanks to which it is more interested in the world and gets to know it early. Breast milk supports the baby’s sensory and mental development, which protects it from chronic diseases. And while some mothers prefer bottle feeding, even the best HiPP formula newborn is not as good for the baby as breast milk.

Why Breastfeeding Is Good For Your Baby - benefits of breastfeeding for mom and baby

Here are some facts about breast milk:

• it has a unique composition of more than 200 different ingredients;

• it adapts to the baby’s developmental needs since its composition changes as the baby grows;

• the iron, fats, and sugar contained in breast milk are adapted to the developmental needs of the brain and central nervous system of the newborn and infant;

• it contains special growth hormones necessary for a baby’s development;

• it contains antibodies that protect the immature immune system of a baby — 1 drop of breast milk contains 4,000 living cells;

• it contains probiotics and prebiotics, which build healthy flora of the digestive system;

• it contains lactation hormones, prolactin and oxytocin, which soothe the mother’s mood and fatigue;

• it always has the right composition and the right temperature;

• it protects the baby from allergies;

• it protects the baby from anemia.

And here are some more benefits of the breastfeeding process:

• it builds a unique bond between mother and child;

• it makes the mother’s body burn fats faster, which helps her to regain the form she was in before pregnancy;

• it accelerates the contraction of the uterus after childbirth;

• it reduces the risk of breast cancer;

• it ensures optimal development of the baby’s mandible and oral muscles and, therefore, prevents speech defects and deformities of the oral cavity.

Breastfed infants are less likely to catch colds or the flu and are much less likely to develop rotavirus than those fed formula. Breast milk is composed in such a way that it provides the child with everything it needs. The nutrients in breast milk are easily absorbed. Babies fed naturally are less likely to develop the so-called civilization diseases, e.g. asthma or allergies.

For the newborn baby, skin-to-skin contact during breastfeeding is the closest experience to one in utero. So it helps the baby to adapt to being outside his mother’s body. The newborn hears his mother’s heartbeat and recognizes her voice. Baby feels safe and comfortable while feeding. Mother’s milk prepares the tiny stomach and intestines to defend against bacteria and viruses.

Scientists show that babies who have been breastfed for at least the first six months of life tend to have a higher IQ compared to those who have not been breastfed. All thanks to the fatty acids present in milk, positively influencing the development of the brain. Such persons also cope better with stress, have better eyesight and correct bite, and are at a lower risk of obesity and diabetes.

Breastfeeding is the best you can give your baby to start. As long as there are no contraindications, we encourage all women to breastfeed their babies.


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