Surprisingly Attractive Habits of Men Behind the Wheel

things men do while driving

2023, the age of social media. Where every personal conversation spills over onto platforms like TikTok, Instagram and Facebook. You may have seen “Attractive men things do” going viral at the moment and we wanted to get involved. So here are our findings, it will be super interesting to see if you agree with these attractive things men do whilst driving or if our friendship group is just extra weird. Here is a quick summary of our findings.

Attractive things Men do while driving

Regtransfers – Private Reg Plate supplier went out into the digital world and found the most attractive driving shenanigans and biggest icks! They even ran a Facebook poll with the hope to find out exactly what women find the most attractive things men do while driving. Here are the results.

Attraction is one thing. However, you might have heard the term “ick” floating around lately. An ick simply put is the opposite of attraction, let us just say something that kind of puts you off. That being said, we thought it wouldn’t be fair to not add a few driving icks to our list for good measure. Hopefully, after reading this article, you’re not sitting there thinking “oooop I do that”. And well if you are, it’s never to late to try and act a little bit sexier (hopefully).

 The One-Handed Steering Wheel Grip:

One of the most frequently praised and impressive driving behaviours is the one-handed steering wheel grip. When a man expertly manoeuvres his vehicle with one hand casually resting on the steering wheel, it exudes a sense of ease, confidence, and control – especially when they do little tappy taps with their hands along to music.

One-Handed Steering Wheel Grip

Gentle Touches:

Some women find it attractive when a man places his hand gently on his partner’s thigh while driving, as it signifies a sense of closeness, comfort, and intimacy. This is our poll winner! 65% of women voted for this attractive and sensual gesture! Who doesn’t love subtle touches as a passenger princess?

Reverse Parking in Style:

Reverse parking can be a challenging task for many drivers, but it seems that TikTok users find it particularly attractive when men showcase their parking prowess. The act of skillful manoeuvring a vehicle into a tight spot with confidence and precision is seen as desirable for most women. Many women have mentioned how they find it appealing when a man reverse parks with their arm resting behind the passenger seat, looking out the rear window while they make their manoeuvre.

Reverse Parking in Style

Pro Parallel Parking:

Parallel parking, every driver’s fear! When a man flawlessly parallel parks, it’s a display of his mastery over the wheel and the road. Everyone struggles parallel parking, so when you see a man do it effortlessly, it’s considered quite impressive!

Pro Parallel Parking

Slick Gear Change

Whether he’s going up a gear, or down, a smooth gear change is an attractive trait for the manual car man. No crunching or grinding, just perfectly timed gear changes.

Slick Gear Change

Biggest Driving Icks


You guessed it. Stalling. We’ve all done it but let’s face it, stalling is embarrassing for everyone! So if you’re in a car with a guy and he keeps stalling, maybe you drive next time. And the truth is, stalling multiple times in a row is unforgivable.

Biggest Driving Icks

Severe Road Rage

Nothing is worse than a guy with a bad temper when it comes to driving. You just want to sink low in your seat to avoid the cringe! Keep your hands on the wheel and the shouting to a minimum – Thank you!

Severe Road Rage

Taste in Music

Now many bond over a common interest in music. Is it really make or break? Just imagine, you’re out for a long drive with your partner and you’re about to get the tunes going. They then put on their playlist and it is so awful you can’t bear it! Do you sit there in agony during the whole drive looking over whilst they’re having the best time, or do you simply turn the music off and express your new found headache? Damn I wish he had good music taste, sigh.

good music taste

So… would you date any of these men based on their driving style, or are you with someone with a massive driving ick?


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