Expanding Your Horizons: Every Mom Deserves to Discover New Cultures


Unless you have severe health issues preventing you from doing it, you’re simply never too old to travel. After all, we only have one life, and we owe it to ourselves to experience as much as it has to offer. To that end, we’ve prepared a list covering various points of interest around the world, suitable for both individual moms or a trip for the entire family.

1,000 Man Cave (Peleliu Island, Palau)

The 1,000 Man Cave is one of the relics of history. During World War II, the Japanese built the cave in order to fortify their position. Visiting it appeals to a broad range of interests: history, geography, and military studies. Exploring the cave is especially enjoyable during the hotter months so you can cool down while doing some sightseeing all at once.

Valencia’s Marina (Valencia, Spain)

Are you intrigued by the architecture and sea? Then you’re definitely going to enjoy visiting Valencia’s Marina. Being a cultural heritage building, it’s undoubtedly a sight to see, and it has quite an unique architecture as well. After all, it’s not one of the country’s most important landmarks without a solid reason. While there, why not also visit the Valencia beach that’s almost around the corner? By doing so, you’re going to witness one of the most magnificent and relaxing beaches around.

Victoria Falls (Livingstone, Zambia)

Victoria Falls is something everyone should admire from up close at least once in their lives. This gorgeous waterfall is 1.7 kilometers long and has a 1.8 meter drop. Due to the heavy mist the falling water creates, oftentimes you’ll be able to see rainbows forming as a result of it. This is an amazing sight either way, but if you can, try to witness it while the moon is full for extra astonishment. Whenever you feel tired, you can always rest up at the Protea Hotel Livingstone that’s nearby. After you’re full of energy again, you can conveniently resume the journey to your heart’s content.

Macchu Pichu (Peru, South America)

The ruins of Macchu Pichu make for a sight you’ll never forget. Located atop a hill in the mountainous area of Peru, the ancient Incas have built one of the most impressive cities in history. If you like hiking, you will definitely enjoy hiking the Inca Trail. If not, you can always take the train to admire the awe-inspiring scenery you won’t be able to see anywhere else. Those who like to avoid the crowded areas are advised to come by in the morning or during the evening, when the area is no longer packed full of sightseeing tourists. The weather is at its best during the summer months, and most of the tourists tend to choose this season as the best time to visit.


Depending on how adventurous you are, visiting some of the locations specified above may prove to be more exciting than others, but no matter what you choose, you’re guaranteed to get a taste of a culture you probably haven’t gotten the chance to experience before.

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.


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