A Guide to Buying a New Cot Mattress

Cot Mattress

Buying a cot mattress can seem like a daunting task. With so many options it’s often hard to know which one is best but in this piece, we have researched some of the frequently asked questions to help you on your journey to finding and buying the perfect cot mattress so your little angel (and you!) can sleep soundly.

Why is a breathable mattress good for a baby?

A mattress that is breathable is good for everyone, including your baby. Why? Because having a mattress that breathes well is important to help regulate body temperature. Your baby’s cot will also likely be in a room with other people, and if the temperature gets too hot then it may affect your little one’s sleep while they are trying to drift off.

Is your baby mattress organic?

In order to check that a mattress is organic, you need to look for the GOTS and GOLS certifications. The GOTS certificate is the Global Organic Textiles Standard and the GOLS certificate is the Global Organic Latex Standard. These certifications mean that not only is the end product organic but also that the manufacturers use sustainable business practices, right across their supply and production chain.

What size is a cot mattress?

A standard cot mattress dimension is 120cm x 60cm. However, there are other sizes available, depending on the age of your baby and their size.

Should I buy a firm cot mattress?

A good quality cot mattress should be both supportive and comfortable for your little one – not too hard but also not so soft that they sink into it. Very young babies do not have the strength in their upper body to support their own weight. Most modern cot mattresses are double-sided – a harder side for younger babies and a softer side for the comfort of your growing toddler.

Can you reuse a cot mattress for a second baby?

It is not recommended you re-use a cot mattress for a second baby, you should invest in a new one. There is a risk that mould and other bacteria could be present on the mattress so buy a new one for your second child, if you can.

How often should you change a cot mattress?

A good cot mattress should last perfectly well from when they leave their Moses basket and enter their cot. As we suggest above, try not to re-use a cot mattress for a second baby if it all can be avoided.

Can parents sleep with a baby in the same bed?

Though it may seem intuitive, co-sleeping should be avoided. It is recommended that you put your baby in the cot and then go to bed yourself. Babies are tiny and delicate and could come to harm, especially if you are a heavy sleeper.

How do I care for a new mattress?

A good recommendation would be to vacuum it once before using it, this will remove any loose dust or particles which could irritate your little one’s skin.

Is latex safe for babies?

Latex is a natural product and, if the latex is certified organic will be perfectly safe for your baby.

If you are looking for a cot mattress whether you are a first or second parent, you might want to check out the organic cot mattress by the organic sleeping specialists, Snoozel Green.

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.


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