How can I Décor my Kid’s Room in Small Budget?


As kids grow with a passage of time, their life style and demands to fulfill all necessities, change too. In this modern era, kids are very familiar about their surroundings. They ask for change, variety and colors in their rooms. But how can a smart mother meet all demands in a small budget?

There are 10 easiest ways to make your kid’s room look amazing in a small budget:

1. Pre- planning and Determining the Budget:

Ah! Going for a shopping?

Don’t forget to determine your budget first. Infarct it’s most important to think on and observe the room. So that you can plan which important changes you need to make and what should you buy that will make great change in your kid’s room.

2. Online Sales and Garage:

Making a sense..! Yes! If you want to shop within your budget then sales can be very helpful in this regard. Through sales, you can grab room décor and accessories in cheap price.

3. Reuse and Redesigning Furniture Layout:

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Furniture is an important article of home. You should spend vigilantly on furniture. But in small budget old furniture can be reused by fixing any broken part or painting it with new bright colors. Moreover, redesigning furniture layout also makes great difference in a kid’s room décor.

4. Wall Treatments from Everyday Material

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Blue! Pink! Red! Yellow!

Colors play pivotal role in making kids room catchier. You can color the walls. Shadow boxes will be best way to display your kid’s awards or medals. Multi- colored flags along a wall and old photo frames can be painted to display kid’s art work.

5. Use Family Collectibles as an Art Piece:

Kids always do some art work at school which can be used as a decoration. Painted pot by a mother, scenery painted by elder sister and grand pa’s portrait can be used an art piece in a room.

6. Add up other Eye Catching Accessories:

Colorful cushions, stuff toys, book shelves, and pen holders can make difference in kid’s room décor. Different boxes, baskets and wasted cans can be decorated with ribbons and foaming sheets.

7. Indoor Tents and Swings in Corner:

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Indoor tents are very common and can be made easily by parachute sheet. You can also paint your kids favorite cartoon character on it and eliminate it with lights. Swings can be hanged in an empty corner of the room.

8. Accessorize the Floor:

Bright and colorful floor rugs and cushions can be added in a room for a change.

9. Calming, Cool and colorful themes:

It’s also good to choose theme of the room according to your kid’s gender. If it’s a girl you can go with soft colors and calm themes like pink. If it’s a boy then colors can be red and blue.

10. Cheap Colorful Storage:

You can use space under bed or old bench by adding baskets beneath and add up toys and extra stuff in it.

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