Is It Safe To Hire A Home Cleaner During COVID-19 Pandemic?

home clean

Since the COVID-19 outbreak started, families have been spending more time in their homes. This may lead to our homes getting messier faster than usual. Having someone from outside the family come and clean our home seems frightening to some, however, hiring a reputable cleaning service such as Blue Spruce Maids may actually help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by keeping your home safe and hygienic.

The fact that cleaning services are still considered essential in most states goes to say that experts believe cleaning services are safe and necessary. However, the decision to hire a cleaning service during the COVID-19 pandemic is up to you alone.

A Clean Home Keeps COVID-19 At Bay

Clean Home covid 19

Studies have shown that frequently cleaning your home can help combat the spread of the virus. Having a clean home also has numerous physical and mental benefits. If your home is full of grime, dust, and germ buildup, it may affect your immune system and trigger conditions such as asthma, allergies, and other respiratory issues that put you at greater risk of COVID-19 complications.

If any of your family members have a weakened immune system, the risk is even greater.

However, keeping your home clean can also help prevent the spread of COVID-19 through respiratory droplets that may linger on surfaces for quite some time.

Keeping your home clean will give you much-needed peace of mind during these difficult and confusing times.

How To Make Sure The Cleaning Service You Hire Is Safe?

While nothing can guarantee with complete certainty that you won’t catch COVID-19 from someone outside (or even inside) your home, there are some questions you can ask to minimize the risk of contracting the virus through a cleaner.

1. Do you conduct daily checks on your employees?

Cleaning services who regularly check up on their employees’ health are less likely to infect you or your family members.

2. Do cleaners wear masks and protective equipment?

There has been a lot of word on how effective masks are in preventing the spread of coronavirus. Wearing proper safety gear greatly minimizes the risk of contracting COVID-19.

3. How do cleaners handle dirty laundry and changing linens?

To avoid spreading contaminants from dirty laundry and linens, cleaners should not shake them. Laundry should be washed at the hottest allowed setting and completely dried afterwards.

4. What Type Of Cleaning Products Do The Cleaners Use?

Cleaners should use products that are on EPA’s list of COVID-19 approved cleaning products. Make sure you ask the cleaners about the products they use and the active ingredients they contain. Make sure they are safe to use around children and pets.

5. Do They Ask Their Clients About Their Health?

Spreading COVID-19 from client to cleaner is also a plausible option and a huge risk, which is why cleaners must make sure their clients are healthy and if not, use all the necessary protective measures to avoid contamination.

Read Also: 5 Must-Try Kids’ Activity Ideas for Parents During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.


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