5 Ways Rainbow Parents Can Honor a Previous Miscarriage

Rainbow Parents

The joy of expecting a new child can be bittersweet for rainbow parents. Many have experienced a miscarriage in the past, and while they may be eagerly anticipating the birth of a new baby, they may also feel a sense of grief and loss. Honoring this previous miscarriage is an integral part of the healing process. In this blog post, we will be exploring five ways that rainbow parents can honor a previous miscarriage and bring closure to this challenging period in their lives.

Naming The Baby

One way rainbow parents can honor a previous miscarriage is by giving their lost baby a name. Even though the baby didn’t make it to term, it still existed and profoundly impacted the parents’ lives. Giving the baby a name acknowledges its existence and validates the emotions felt by the parents.

To commemorate the baby’s name, parents can order a custom nursery pillow with the name embroidered on it. This pillow can serve as a reminder of the baby’s memory and can comfort the parents during difficult times. It can also be a sweet addition to the baby’s room and serve as a beautiful keepsake that can be passed down to future generations.

Naming the baby can be a profoundly personal and emotional process, but it can also be a beautiful way to pay tribute to the baby’s brief existence. It can be a loving reminder that the baby will always hold a special place in the parents’ hearts and will never be forgotten.

Creating a Memory Box

A memory box is a beautiful way to keep your baby’s memory alive and to honor the pregnancy that you lost. It can be an emotional process to gather items to place in the box, but it can also be a therapeutic way to cope with the loss. Here are some ideas for what to include in your memory box:

  • Ultrasound photos or photos of your pregnancy bump
  • Personalized items, such as a stuffed animal or blanket with the baby’s name or initials
  • A journal or letter to your baby
  • A unique piece of jewelry or a charm that represents your baby
  • Anything that you may have purchased for the baby, such as clothes or toys
  • Cards or letters of support from loved ones

Make sure to find a special box or container that you can decorate or personalize. Consider placing the box in a special spot in your home, such as a bookshelf or bedside table. Creating a memory box can be a therapeutic and healing experience, as it gives you a physical way to remember and honor the baby you lost. It’s a special way to ensure that your baby’s memory lives on and can bring a little peace during the grieving process.

Donating To a Miscarriage Charity

Another way for rainbow parents to honor a previous miscarriage is to donate to a miscarriage charity. There are many organizations out there that work towards providing support and resources to parents who have suffered the loss of a pregnancy. Donating to these charities is a way to honor the lost baby and help other families going through a similar experience. When donating, you can make it to honor your baby or memory of them. Some miscarriage charities you can consider donating to include The March of Dimes, The Star Legacy Foundation, and The Miscarriage Association. These organizations provide various services, including education, research, and family support. Some charities even offer personalized tributes where you can share your story and add a photo or message to remember your baby.

By donating to a miscarriage charity, rainbow parents can help other needy families find a sense of healing and closure. Knowing that your donation is making a difference and helping others can bring a sense of purpose and meaning to the loss you experienced.

Planting a Tree in Honor of The Baby

Planting a tree to honor a previous miscarriage is a beautiful way to commemorate the lost life. Not only does it provide a physical symbol of remembrance, but it also serves as a source of comfort and hope. Trees represent growth, life, and resilience, making them the perfect symbol for honoring the life of a lost child. When choosing the right tree, it’s important to consider the climate, the location, and the size of the tree. You’ll want to choose a tree that can thrive in your specific environment and serve as a lasting reminder of your baby. Some popular choices include flowering cherry trees, magnolias, and Japanese maple trees.

Once you’ve selected the tree, you can make it even more meaningful by including a small plaque or stone at the base with the baby’s name, date of birth, and an indicative quote or message. This creates a physical marker that you can visit and tend to and also gives others a way to acknowledge and honor your baby’s life. Planting a tree is a beautiful way to honor your lost child and can provide a sense of healing and closure for rainbow parents. Watching the tree grow and flourish over time can bring comfort and hope, reminding you that even in the face of loss and grief, there is still beauty and growth to be found in life.


For many, tattoos are a way to honor and remember loved ones permanently. A tattoo in memory of a previous miscarriage can be a powerful way for rainbow parents to continue to keep their little ones. There are various tattoo options, from a simple date or name to a more intricate design incorporating imagery and symbolism. One popular option is a small heart tattoo with the baby’s birthdate or due date inside. This simple design can be easily placed in a discreet location, such as on the wrist or ankle, or incorporated into a larger design.

Another option is to use imagery or symbolism to represent the baby. This could include a rainbow or butterfly associated with hope and new beginnings. Some parents also incorporate the baby’s birthstone or a special flower into the design. When considering a memorial tattoo, it’s important to take your time and work with a reputable artist who understands the importance of the design. Take the time to research different options and consult with the artist about what will work best for you.

Ultimately, a tattoo in memory of a previous miscarriage can be a beautiful and meaningful way for rainbow parents to continue to honor their little ones and keep their memory close.

Consider giving yourself or someone you know a baby loss gift to support and comfort them during this challenging time. While the pain of losing a baby never entirely disappears, taking the time to remember and honor their life can bring a sense of closure and healing to parents as they begin a new journey with their rainbow baby.


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