7 Things To Do Before Moving Day

First day of moving into new house

Moving to a new home can be a big adventure, but let’s be real—it can also feel overwhelming. There’s a lot to juggle, and if you’re not prepared, things can get messy fast. The good news is that a little bit of planning goes a long way. Whether you’re moving across town or across the country, getting organized before the big day can save you a ton of stress.

So, what exactly should you be focusing on? Here’s a breakdown of seven essential things to do before moving day that will make your life a lot easier.

1. Start Decluttering Early

Packing can be daunting when you realize just how much stuff you’ve accumulated over the years. Do you really want to lug around boxes of things you haven’t used in ages? Before you start packing, take some time to declutter your home.

Ask yourself: Do I really need this? Go room by room, and sort your belongings into three categories: keep, donate, and toss. This is your chance to downsize, so take advantage of it. Less stuff means fewer boxes to pack and more room in your new home for the things you actually use.

Plus, donating items can feel great—someone else might find value in what you no longer need, and that’s a win-win.

2. Document Valuables Before Moving

No one likes to think about things getting lost or damaged during a move, but it can happen. To give yourself peace of mind, documenting valuables before moving day is a wise idea. Grab your phone and take pictures of your high-value items like electronics, jewelry, artwork, and anything else you’d consider valuable. Write down their current condition and even their serial numbers if applicable.

This will be super helpful if something does go missing or gets damaged. If you have any appraisals or receipts, now’s a good time to gather those too and keep them in a safe place. By documenting everything, you’ll have proof if you need to make a claim with your moving company or insurance.

3. Notify Important Parties of Your Move

Once your move is set, you’ll need to notify a whole list of people and organizations about your new address. This step often slips people’s minds until after the move, but updating your address is crucial to avoid missing out on important mail.

Here’s a checklist of key places to notify:

  • Post office
  • Banks and credit card companies
  • Insurance providers (home, health, auto)
  • Employer
  • Utilities (electric, water, internet, etc.)
  • Subscription services (magazines, streaming services, etc.)

Don’t forget to update your address on your driver’s license and vehicle registration too! It’s not just about receiving mail—it’s about staying compliant with local laws.

4. Pack a “First Night” Essentials Box

Imagine this: You’ve just finished a long, exhausting day of moving, and all you want to do is crash in your new place. But where’s your toothbrush? Where are the bedsheets? Oh, and you forgot to grab the phone charger too.

This is where an “essentials box” comes in handy. Pack a box or bag with everything you’ll need for the first 24 hours in your new home. Include items like:

  • Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap)
  • Chargers for electronics
  • A change of clothes
  • Bedsheets and a pillow
  • Medications
  • Snacks and water

Having these essentials within easy reach will help you avoid any late-night scavenger hunts through packed boxes.

5. Label Your Boxes Clearly

If you’ve ever moved before, you know the frustration of digging through box after box trying to find the one thing you need. To avoid this chaos, label your boxes as clearly as possible.

Here’s a helpful system:

  • Room Name – Write which room each box belongs to.
  • Contents – Briefly list what’s inside the box.
  • Fragile – Mark this on boxes with breakable items.

This simple trick will save you tons of time when unpacking, and it will also help the movers know where to place each box in your new home.

6. Set Up Utilities at Your New Home

One of the most frustrating things about moving is settling into your new home only to realize the electricity isn’t on, or the internet won’t be installed for another week. Don’t let this happen to you!

Before moving day, contact the utility companies and schedule services to be connected at your new home. This includes electricity, water, gas, internet, and trash collection. If you’re renting, check with your landlord about what’s already set up, but don’t assume everything will be taken care of.

The last thing you want is to spend your first night in your new place by candlelight with no Wi-Fi.

7. Arrange for Child or Pet Care on Moving Day

If you have kids or pets, moving day can be extra stressful. They might get in the way or feel anxious with all the activity going on. For your own sanity and their safety, it’s a good idea to arrange for someone to look after them on the day of the move.

For kids, this could mean asking a friend or family member to babysit. For pets, you might want to consider leaving them with a trusted friend or using a pet daycare service for the day. This way, you can focus on the move without worrying about them.

Moving Day Doesn’t Have to Be Stressful

Preparation is the key to a smooth moving day. By following these steps, you’ll feel more organized and in control, making the transition to your new home a lot easier.

Moving may always be a bit of a hassle, but it doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Just stay ahead of the game with a clear plan, and you’ll be relaxing in your new home in no time.


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