How to Get Your Home Ready for Fall


The weather has cooled and the snow has yet to Fall, that means it’s the perfect time to throw an outdoor party. If the thought of inviting your friends and family over for fun around the fire doesn’t excite you, there is probably a reason why: Your home isn’t ready for the season. Good thing that’s an easy fix.

It’s the season of get-togethers. With everyone back from their summer vacations, there’s no better time to play host. Aside from the costume and candy fun, the cool temperatures and sporting events make for great entertainment. If you’re planning on having loved ones over for any of the fall holidays (or football games), you’re not alone.

Tis the Season for Spending

Americans spend over $9 billion for Halloween each year alone. Almost 200 million people celebrate the holiday, and the decorations and home manicuring costs reflect that. More than 70 percent of homeowners spend on fall decor for the house, totaling nearly $3 billion. That’s a whole bunch of money being spent to get homes fall-ready. It’s easy to hang a few paper skeletons, set out a cornucopia or grab some cornstalks for the front mailbox.

Where things get difficult is when you want to make permanent improvements to your home. Luckily you don’t have to sink a boatload of money and time into fall improvements if you get creative. Just follow these simple tips and you and your wallet will have a happy fall.

Great Grass Goes a Long Way

The first thing your guests will notice is the first thing that every guest notices: your lawn. It greets your neighbors and friends and is a good indicator of how you manage the rest of your life. It may sound dramatic, but first impressions are always important. Fair or not fair, assumptions based on the amount of care you put into your home will translate into how you manage other aspects of your life. That’s why it’s important to incorporate lawn fertilization into your fall routine.

Building Time

There’s no better time to put in a patio, build a deck or erect a gazebo than fall. The cooler weather makes the work easier, and the timing won’t be rushed since the summer season is over. Most contractors will be happy to have the extra work before the holidays. And of course, doing it yourself is always an option.

Now that the bustle of summer is over, you finally have a few extra minutes to spend on a project. The hard part is deciding which one to begin first. Take a few days to map out a plan and research materials (or companies) needed to finish it. You still have plenty of time before snow becomes an obstacle, but not enough time to waste on miniscule discrepancies. Sounds like the perfect way to get much-needed work done.

Paint the House Red

Paint the House Red

Okay, not literally – but it is a good idea to add some color to your home. It doesn’t have to be just for fall. Find a color that will pop against your house without clashing. Usually this is a brighter shade that accents the nautral color of your home. Once you have it, it’s time to get to work.

There are plenty of parts of your exterior that could use some freshening up. Maybe it’s the porch railing or front door. Even something like garage trim work can be the perfect spot to add some color and variety to your home’s look. The key is to not go overboard and make the statement color overwhelming. That’s why it’s best just to focus on accents. This will allow the true features of your home to stand out more while distracting from some of the flaws.

Finding a bunch of time and money to fix up your home is just not realistic for many of today’s households. That’s why these easy tips will help you get there without having to spend days and cash you don’t have.

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.


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